
How an Apparel Company in NY Saved $50k by Hiring an Offshore Supply Chain Manager

Hire with More and get effective supply chain management at discounted rates

offshore supply chain management

Hire with More and get effective supply chain management at discounted rates

Hello! Welcome to More Wins, the blog series of More Staffing that focuses on sharing the win-win opportunities we provide organizations and professionals.

Client organizations get access to the most talented and experienced professionals in the Philippines at a discounted price to US domestic rates, while top-tier Philippine-based talents get the opportunity to practice their craft in a work-from-anywhere arrangement with globally competitive rates. We incorporate executive coaching upon onboarding to facilitate a smooth easing-in process and to support continuous growth.

Here at More Staffing, we think win-win! You can learn more about the benefits of hiring a virtual professional by booking a call with us:

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What is our client’s business all about?

Pursuing wellness and celebrating diversity in this ever-evolving world is the mission of our client’s e-commerce apparel business headquartered in New York.

The company offers an array of binders made from sustainable materials. Their patented design is intended to bring maximum comfort so individuals can feel at home in their own body.

What virtual position did our client hire?

hat virtual position did our client hire?

More Staffing presented a range of candidates to fill in the role of a supply chain manager. Our client proceeded with hiring Mia.

Given this management-level designation, her role includes:

  • Logistics planning
  • Optimizing working capital
  • Tracking and forecasting inventory levels
  • Providing management with regular inventory reports
  • Conducting routine communication and negotiation with suppliers

What is the background of the virtual professional prior to hiring?

Before working with our client, Mia worked as a supply chain specialist for Amazon FBA and other e-commerce businesses. She also held a management position for a UK-based business, giving her solid experience in global supply chain management.

Some of the software and applications that she expertly handles include:


What is the rate of the professional that was hired? What is the business impact of hiring offshore?

$50k annual savings

Our client hired Mia for a full-time position at $20 / hr.

With More Staffing’s one-year commitment to clients post-deployment, our client saves a minimum of $50,000 on annual salary costs. Compared with US domestic rates, our client gets more than 300%

ROI over our fee!

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Are there other milestones and win-win situations in this partnership?


Both our client and Mia are extremely happy with their work partnership.

“The company is compassionate in many ways. Good salary and colleagues. I honestly learned a lot more than the global supply chain.. It is one of the best career experiences I have.”

-Mia, Supply Chain Manager

Mia’s performance was stellar, so our client gave her a raise after six months of excellent service! Beyond her role as a supply chain manager, Mia supported the organization by building processes that were adapted by the company.

In the same light, Mia happily shared with us that she is grateful that More Staffing found her the perfect job fit!

Thinking of hiring a virtual professional too?

Hiring a remote professional has a plethora of win-win benefits.

If you’re looking for a professional similar to what we featured in our blog, consider partnering with More. We recruit top-tier management-level professionals to support your organization’s growth. Schedule a call today.

Editor’s note: Some names have been changed to protect the privacy of our clients and talents. All other details remain accurate.

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