
Work Trends Leaders Need to Know About in 2023

work trends

The future of work is happening today.

Whether you are a CEO in New York City or a pivoting solopreneur in Los Angeles or the founder of a freshly minted startup in the heart of Colorado, chances are you’ve felt the impact of workforce changes over the last two years. Transformations in business and the human resource industry include how companies choose their talent pool, a diversity of working arrangements, a multitude of digital learning tools, and how the dynamics between employers and workers have evolved.

Leaders must be aware of emerging trends in the workforce to make sure they make data-driven decisions and remain relevant in today’s world. Search the web and look around, you’ll see that there are many experts and studies forecasting the work trends for 2023. We deep dive into four reputable sources and share our own inputs after being out in the talent outsourcing field in these rapidly changing times.

Here’s what’s ahead in 2023:

Work trend #1: Flexible work arrangements

Flexibility at work has never been more appreciated than it is now. After experiencing the freedom of remote work, most employees don’t want to be tied to their desks for eight hours a day. Employees were able to get a better work-life balance because they didn’t have to drive as far to work and they could change their schedules to work outside of normal business hours.

Studies support that for knowledge workers, flexible work arrangements are favorable and has led to an increase in productivity, as employees are more motivated to work due to the convenience of having non-boxed schedules and increased morale from a better work-life balance.

Even though the world is back to “normal” after two years at home, employees are not ready to give up everything that has made their lives so much better in order to go back to work five days a week. Workplaces that aren’t flexible can be a deal-breaker for workers, so hybrid work models will continue to be used to take employees’ needs into account. As a result, employers have had to become more flexible in order to retain and attract the best talent.

Work trend #2: Remote hiring

Remote hiring

Especially for knowledge workers, the future of work continues to be linked with a remote and hybrid workforce.

Remote hiring is here to stay for many business, as it opens the door to a wider range of skills, resources, and experience than ever before. Digital tools (we all know Zoom and Slack by now) plus unique work practices (online-only setups) during the early onset of the pandemic has made it possible for businesses to hire employees from all over the world, no matter their physical location. For business owners, impact boils down to cost savings, productivity, and availability of targeted skillsets.

Work trend #3: Mental health and employee wellbeing

We all know this by now. Burnout is real, and has serious effects on the physical and mental health of a growing number of people in the workplace.

The satisfaction of your employees has a big effect on the bottom line of your business, so it’s important to know who they are, what they want from their jobs, and what their values, needs, and top priorities are. Interventions like leadership coaching, wellness programs, and making the workplace more human-centered will go a long way in fostering a healthy employee-employer relationship.

Having this information makes it easier to help them, which increases their productivity, engagement, and likelihood of staying with the company.

Work trend #4: Gamification and tech-inspired solutions

How does tech continue to impact 2023? As mentioned by Antreas Koutis of Financer, “Gamification is one of the biggest HR trends of 2023. It’s the use of game-like elements in non-game contexts, such as using points, badges, and leaderboards to encourage employees to achieve their goals.”

Moreover, it’s important to partner or build an HR team with a global and digital mindset. Companies are starting to realize that the old style of HR is no longer suitable for the modern era, and those who want to stay competitive must recognize the need for global and digital approaches to talent management. Incorporating digital tools and advanced HR tech in talent sourcing, engagement, and development will make a massive difference in 2023.

Final Thoughts

Gamification and tech-inspired solutions

During the pandemic era, millions of people and businesses got to experience the benefits, challenges, and opportunities of remote work. Today’s modern workplace is always changing, and it’s important to keep up. Keeping these trends in mind over the next year will put employers and employees in a good position for success, allowing organizations and people to thrive in a post-pandemic workforce.

If you want to learn more about building an offshore team, reach out to More Staffing today. We hire top talent in business operations, supply chain, and marketing. Our talent sourcing program includes a 12-month guarantee and executive coaching to support productivity and wellness. Schedule a call today.


Bernard Marr (Future of Work, LinkedIn)

Future Of Work: The 4 Biggest Workplace Trends In 2023


World Economic Forum

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HR Exchange Network

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David Green (Data Driven HR Monthly, LinkedIn)

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